Reiki Mindfulness Session Explained

Reiki Mindfulness Session Explained

Reiki Mindfulness is our signature therapy. It combines the calmness of mindfulness meditation and the energy healing of Reiki.

The session runs for 90 minutes and is in 4 parts which gently flow from one to the next. A full Reiki session is the centrepiece with mindfulness meditation at the start and the end.

Before the session I will have prepared the room for you by removing any negative energy and setting up a multi-dimensional Reiki energy grid with the intension of providing you, my client, with a safe and calm place for your therapy session. I will also have cleansed my aura and connected myself to the energy of Reiki.


Part 1: Your intention for Reiki and your well being

When arriving at the clinic you will be greeted by the reception staff, I will then come to take you through to your therapy room. For the next hour and a half the therapy room will be your safe space, you'll be able to leave the rest of the world, and all its worries outside the door.

Once you are settled in a chair, I will take you through a short registration process to understand your intention for the Reiki Mindfulness session, and to understand your general health. You will also have the opportunity to ask me any questions that you may have about the session. Our discussion will help me customise the session specifically to your intention and wellbeing.


Part 2: Activating your soothing system to provide deep relaxation through Mindful Meditation

I will start by lightly brushing down your aura so that you are prepared for the session.

Then I will invite you to lay on the therapy couch face up, to start with a meditation that will help you move into a sense of deep relaxation, both physically and mentally.

The meditation will take a lead from the discussion we have had and perhaps focus more on quietening the mind or relaxing the tension in your body. Towards the end of the meditation, I will guide your mind to your safe space which will leave you open to the holistic healing energy of Reiki.


Part 3: You receive the natural healing energy of Reiki

Your relaxed state of mind and body will be ideal for you to receive the benefits of the natural healing energy of Reiki. To prepare for this part of the session I will apply essential oils to my hands to maximise the energy flow.

Then I will begin with the Crown Chakra and move through the other Chakras; the Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakras. Once the Chakras have received Reiki energy, I will move to particular areas of focus based on our discussion and on the vibrations received as I moved through your Chakras.

I may ask you to turn over to work on the Chakras and energy meridians at the back of your head and body. I will focus on areas where there may be any blockages or the need for more focused natural Reiki energy.

To finish this part of the session I will place my hands over the knees and then the feet to finally ground you from the Reiki part of the session.


Part 4: Bringing you back to a calm present moment mindfully

Your Reiki Mindfulness session will end with a meditation to slowly bring awareness back to your body and mind. You will gently come out of the deep state of mental relaxation to a level of calmness. I will then guide you to gradually start to become more aware of your physical self and the therapy room.

We will take a moment to hold the awareness and feeling of the deep relaxation and energy you have experienced so that you can tap into that feeling again during the rest of the day and the week ahead.

I'll ask you to carefully come off the couch and move to the chair where we will have a short post therapy session discussed before we close your Reiki Mindfulness session.

Reiki Mindfulness is available at both Marylebone and Harrow clinics. To book a session click here.

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